(Maybe even tried therapy?)
After all that, you're overwhelmed with information
and STILL have symptoms.
- Is your cabinet overflowing with supplements but you still don't have the energy to make it through the day?
- Are you dizzy from the merry-go-round of doctors you've seen?
- Does it feel like none of the 'experts' have any idea how to actually help you feel better? (Or even fully understand what your struggles?)
Are you certain health is possible but you're unsure how to experience it?
You have so much information but still no answers...
...between what you’re investing in your health and what you’re getting back.
You’ve been trying to fix yourself and perhaps you’re not even sure that’s possible anymore. You’re tired of trying one more program, one more supplement, listening to one more ‘expert’ who’s going to confuse you or bury you in information or protocols to follow. It’s hard enough to get out of bed and live your life while you feel this way. And it’s not your fault.
All of the noise online is designed to fit you into a box,
to convince you to give your power to someone else to tell you how to heal.
⌑ Constantly drained, cranky, and foggy...
⌑ Feeling like you’ve done something wrong because it didn’t work… and they made it sound like this was the answer.
⌑ Confused… is this supplement good for you or not? You keep getting conflicting information.
⌑ Feeling more and more disillusioned and desperate for something, anything that will give you relief from the pain you feel. And afraid a solution might not exist.
⌑ Finding yourself more and more isolated from your friends and family because you just aren’t yourself anymore. You’re unhappy and don’t want to be around people (perhaps you’re afraid they don’t want to be around you either).
Introducing Restore Sixty...
- Discover your power to heal
- Restore our gut-brain balance
- Return to your heart
Restore Sixty is not just another online course
(with a formulaic plan to follow that doesn’t fit into your lifestyle or address your issues)
THIS IS AN IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE INTO THE ROOTS OF DIS-EASE that deepens and expands your connection to yourself and invites you into the leader role in your life.
I’ve been a holistic health coach for 20 years helping people transform their lives from painful to purposeful. I’ve trained in a wide range of modalities from deeply body focused to those based in mental and emotional health. And after all of that…
I found that people don’t need more information, they need more inner knowing.
They don’t need another expert, they need experience.
They don’t need another protocol, they need a bigger purpose!
I often feel like the coach of last resort.
Many of my clients come to me after they've seen several doctors, spoken with other coaches, and have taken other courses but they still have lingering symptoms that are holding them back from living the full, vibrant life that they know is possible.
After working with me, clients report feeling like they have 'gotten their life back'. They feel better than they have in years! Chronic illness symptoms ease and disappear, auto-immune dysfunctions dissipate, and mysterious pains fade.
This is what happens naturally when you get to the roots of illness and RESTORE balance in the body.
Trusted by
“In 10 weeks Jator has taught me more than 25 years of therapy. ”
Cirkel Rosendal Voglmaier
I have thought a lot about what to say about Jator would like it to sound smart and clever. But it’s not possible to find words describing what this man have done to my mind my emotions and most important my heart. In 10 weeks he has taught me more than 25 years of therapy. Jator has shown me how to smile have fun and laugh. For the first time I feel free
“And to all the group members, you were all amazing!”
Miroslava Manavska
There are so many things I want to say THANK YOU for, Jator, but the main one is teaching me the language that you use, the language of kindness, the language of recognition, of invitation, of compassion. The self talk and to others! That was the key for me and I will always keep it safe and make as many copies to all people as I can touch!! And to all the group members, you were all amazing! So open, so vulnerable, caring, brave... it has been an honour to be part of that group and learn from you and with you. You are part of my rock foundation too! Thank you! It's a bit of ranting and messy but it is all from my heart.
“Thank you Jator for the honesty, authenticity and the love”
Camille Rosamaj Jepsen Leth
Dear Jator and all you Restore sisters and brothers Thank you! I love this space where we have played for the last 10 weeks. Even though this it is the end, I feel a new beginning. I don´t see it clearly yet, but ”there´s no rush”. I´m on day 39 and still healing and defrosting my frozen parts, but I am on my way home to my self Thank you Jator for the honesty, authenticity and the love. I´ve learned so much from you and hope to learn more from you in the future. I´m so grateful for being introduced to you and your work: Thank you all for the openness, the vulnerability and the courage. Let´s go play with life.
“Jator is a fantastic coach!”
Vivian Bruun
It has been a great experience for me, to anticipate in Restore sixty and explore deeper, what is healthy for me to eat and drink - and at the same time been working with underlying emotional issues..... Jator is a fantastic coach and I love his humble, not judgemental and exploring approach to life
It’s about time for a new path to wellness. One that places you in the driver’s seat of your health journey. One that makes room for possibility, one that expands your life and doesn’t take away from it.
It doesn’t matter if you’re dealing with:
- anxiety
- fatigue
- depression
- weight issues
- chronic disease
- physical dysfunction
- autoimmune diseases
- gastrointestinal issues
- lack of purpose and direction
- an undefined sense of being unwell
No matter what you’re struggling with that stands between you and living a life full of vitality, confidence, joy, and strength…
… to begin by restoring your connection to your heart, your mind, your gut and that leads to a connection to your intuition, your purpose, and your inner harmony.
I’ve poured my heart into this program over the past year to show you how to be your own advocate, expert, guru. This is to show you that it is possible to restore your connection with yourself. And it makes me so frustrated that NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT THIS!
And I know that if you’ve never been told or shown how to guide your own path to wellness, you won’t know how! We can’t run before we walk.
Other programs operate by instilling fear that you can get it wrong, that you don’t know what’s best for you, that you must rely on something or someone outside yourself to guide you.
But this isn’t like anything you’ve seen or done before.
This program clears away the noise of the outside voices so that you can begin to hear yourself again (can you imagine?)
It removes the loneliness and isolation from trying to do it by yourself and replaces that with support, community, and mentorship as you grow in your ability to know what’s right for you.
… you thought you knew about your health
...without the overwhelm. This is about clearing away the noise, not adding to it.
You will find supporting information, not university volumes of information.
Clear, simple guidance, not confusing jargon.
Options so that you can choose what works for YOU.
A support team and welcoming community.
Wanna know what Restore is like?
Listen in...
I want to be sure you’re fully supported so I’m hosting LIVE Q&A sessions each week so that you can ask questions to help you get clear on how to apply each module to your unique life and goals. This isn’t designed for me to tell you what you should do… it’s to work with you to strengthen your own decision making ability.
You can submit your questions if you can’t make it to the LIVE call. And just like the Coaching Sessions, the recording will be uploaded to the course library.
Every week there will be a live coaching session to show you, in a real world example, how this process can apply to you. I’ll go over the basic concepts of the week’s module to be sure you understand the framework of how to approach the topic.
Then, that LIVE session will be uploaded into the course library for you to access anytime you want to refer to it.
After running Restore a few times, I began to see a recurring theme. People want to change, but they don't realize the power they possess to make a new version of themselves a reality. And so... we created a 'Power Pack' to dive deeply into the aspects of power and how to claim yours to make the changes you need in order to live the life you desire...
You get to choose your life, and this module will show you how.
I can honestly say that I have the best community of people that join my programs and on Facebook. That’s not about me, that’s about the amazing people that I get to see come together to support, uplift, and encourage one another. We truly can’t do this journey alone. And I am so grateful for the people who join this community. I know that you will too.
#5. A SPECIAL VIP OPTION (limited to 10 spots)
If you are ready to step restore your health on a whole new level and are committed to rapid change and transformation, this is an option for you. This option includes 3 one on one sessions with me as you go through the program and guidance on a nutrition plan that suits your specific considerations and goals. And it also includes a new Masterclass series that I am doing to assist you with defining your purpose, seeing a new vision for yourself, living with intention, and food reintroduction after the program is over.
8 weeks of group coaching with Jator $2,400
Certified nutritionist $500
24/7 Online community $100
Course materials and meditations $250
Resources and archives $300
This is the type of process that I bring my private coaching clients through when they begin to work with me. And after 20 years of doing this work I see patterns of what people are struggling with and a pattern of shifts that happen. I have cleared away all the noise to go deeper than other programs to make meaningful shifts.
My private coaching clients would spend $3,000 at minimum to go through this process with me.
But it is my mission to make this information available to as many people as possible.
→ Weekly exercises customized to you to bring movement and communication with your body ($100 value)
→ A Facebook community of like-minded Explorer’s, I love this group, there’s truly no other like it ($200 value)
→ Access to a handpicked, certified nutritionist to support you in the food/ diet aspects of this course ($500 value)
→ A cookbook created specifically for Restore Sixty to help add deliciousness to this process ($100 value)
→ Weekly group calls with me to dive deeply into the mental and emotional aspects with courage and support ($500 value)
→ A library of additional tools and resources to assist you in making this process as easy and seamless as possible. ($50 value)
Pre-Start: Restore Your Power *NEW*
It's easy to feel that there are reasons why change is impossible. It's because of her/her/them... circumstances, finances, family, etc. There will always be something else. But when we decide to claim the power to live our own lives... the difference is night and day. This module is available as soon as you sign up. Get started restoring your power immediately.
Module 1: Overcoming fear of change
The hidden addiction to failure and fear of change.
Overcoming fear of change is the foundation of the program, without a deep dive into how our fears keep us stuck in the un-lived life, we will never have the courage to step into the life we desire.
Module 2: Purpose as motivation
Human beings are designed to have purpose. Without purpose, vision, or intent we walk blindly through life. This module mixes practicality with spirituality for focused movement towards our change.
Module 3: Restore the peace on a cellular level
Every part of you affects the whole. Imagine you are an accumulation of trillions of cells, if each cell is experiencing disharmony, then the entire organism itself will experience disease and dysfunction. In this module, we will offer you the keys to bring balance to every one of your cells.
Module 4 Ancestral eating + prep for nutrition restore
Your cells are literally made of what you eat. That’s why there is rampant dis-ease with a ‘modern diet’. Looking back in time we can clearly see less disease. So what did our ancestors know and do that we have forgotten? Join us as we dive into eating tradition of the past, and clarity of direction for the present as we move into choosing what level of restoration we are ready to experience.
Reflexion and implementation week
Break is designed to give you time for introspection and feeling into all the work we have covered thus far. It is a week for you to be with you and allow space to discover, relax, and absorb into your experience of change.
Module 5: Restore Nutrition
A systematic approach to learning what foods work best for your body and your life. An emotional dive into why we feel restricted and what we can do about it.
Module 6: Gut Restoration
Every system in the body is impacted by the body’s response to emotion. The home of all disease is the gut. We will explore healing the gut as well as the emotional roots to gut dysfunction. What if conflict with our parent's values is at the heart of digestive issues?
Module 7: How To reintroduce grey area foods
There is more grey to life than black and white, and it is one reason nutrition is so confusing for most of us, in the module you will learn how to find comfort in the grey and how to interpret your bodies signals as guidance for the rest of your life.
Reflexion and implementation week
Break is designed to give you time for introspection and feeling into all the work we have covered thus far. It is a week for you to be with you and allow space to discover, relax, and absorb into your experience of change.
Module 8: Where do we go from here?
Here we will explore moving forward, what have we learned, and what have we let in and let go. Having a re-entry plan back into the world will be key to successfully maintaining the benefits from this course. We’ve gone deep. Now learn how to bridge the gap back into the rest of your life.
Jator Pierre has been helping people transform their lives since 1999. Using a vast toolbox of modalities to bring about lasting change in his clients his work primarily focuses on emotional trauma, auto-immune issues, digestive disorders, chronic stress, and chronic pain. He is passionate about seeing the bigger picture and how that trickles down to the underlying mechanisms which lead to pathology, disease, and symptoms.
Clients usually come to him after searching for answers and working with many other healthcare professionals, sometimes for years, and not seeing results.
His purpose is to help his clients examine and understand not only how the body functions but how each physical symptom correlates to, and is expressive of underlying mental, emotional, and behavioral patterns. He helps people get to the roots of what is causing the symptoms so that healing can occur naturally. Jator works globally and splits his time between Berkeley, California and Copenhagen, Denmark.
I have truly tried to think of everything that you would need to bring you back into alignment with your highest well-being.
This is the program I’ve dreamed of creating for so long. It is the process that I take my private coaching clients through to set them up for success along their wellness journey. It has long been my desire to bring what I know to be true about the physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual aspects of health to you in a format that is simple, light, and applicable.
Well-being is possible.
This is the journey back to you health, this is the path to restore yourSelf.
So if you’re ready to step into a new version of yourself, join us!
We start AUGUST 11th to reconnect, rejuvenate, and RESTORE.
... is more than just a vague promise. You actually get to experience it in your own life as you unlock all new levels of possibility that you never knew existed.
Now, to be perfectly clear, Restore Sixty isn’t designed to “burn it all down” and start over. It’s about digging deep into what’s working and releasing what is not working for you so that you can build on a strong foundation.
So what does that mean? 👇
Despite the avalanche of confusing, regurgitated information seemingly everywhere you turn, there is still hope!
Hope for a life that fills you with joy. Hope for a future with connection to a supportive group of like-minded people on the journey with you! Hope for laughter, fun, and a lightness of being. Hope that you’ll look in the mirror one day and not see the ‘old you’ but the best version of you!
Because you let go of the following blindly someone else’s plan for your life. Because you decided to take control of your own healing process. Because the days of giving your power away are over.
In my experience, people are not taught that you can be in control of your health and well being, (because it was in their best interest to keep you blind to your own power.)
The system is set up to keep you coming back for more. To need more drugs, supplements, more tests. The old way is designed to confuse you and keep you reliant!
The only thing standing between you and the life you (secretly) desire for yourself… is the knowledge that it really is possible!
It’s not your fault that no one ever told you that you can be empowered to be your own best advocate for health. But I have to say, now that you know, it is your choice to take action. So... are you in?
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some As to common Qs:
How is this different than other courses I've tried?
The Restore Program is designed to not be overwhelming but to be simple to navigate and easy to manage. All of the steps may not be easy, but this program has been created to help facilitate change in a manageable way.
Now isn't a great time, maybe I'll join the next time the program runs...
That's totally your decision. And... so that you can make an informed decision I will say that this is the last time that this program will run live in 2020 (and possibly for 2021.) I have begun to develop the Explore Coaching Certification Program and will be devoting my time to developing further programs. At this time I do not have plans to run this program with this level of access in the future.
How much time will I need to devote to get results?
The time it may take is individual to you and your circumstances, but many participants report spending an average of approx 3 hours per week, including the module content and the live Q+A calls and Live Coaching.
Is there a guarantee? What if I'm not satisfied? What is your refund policy?
Technically that's three questions... but I'll tackle them together.
There are no guarantees in life... but I can say that I have seen amazing transformations with this program and protocol. If you are unsatisfied, simply send an email to the support team within 14 days of the program starting with the work you have done and we'll happily give you a refund.
" My life has totally changed... "
As a teacher he is the example, gentle, kind and holding a safe space in which I am allowed to grow at my pace.
He walks his talk, shows he is human, flesh and blood, muses over what comes up, flips challenges around, shows he has them too and most of all being kind doing so.
I recommend him every day, I talk about his work to everybody I know, and the feedback is amazing.
My life has totally changed, from no energy to lots of energy from obese to lean, from having a very bad sleeping pattern to much better sleep, from mellow and criticizing myself to being explorative and curious about life.
- Piyannah, Restore Sixty Participant
I learned more than in 25 years of therapy... "
I have thought a lot about what to say about Jator would like it to sound smart and clever. But it’s not possible to find words describing what this man have done to my mind my emotions and most important my heart. In 10 weeks he has taught me more than 25 years of therapy. Jator has shown me how to smile have fun and laugh.
For the first time I feel free!
- Cirkel, Restore Sixty Participant
" From my heart... "
There are so many things I want to say THANK YOU for, Jator, but the main one is teaching me the language that you use, the language of kindness, the language of recognition, of invitation, of compassion. The self talk and to others! That was the key for me and I will always keep it safe and make as many copies to all people as I can touch!! And to all the group members, you were all amazing! So open, so vulnerable, caring, brave... it has been an honour to be part of that group and learn from you and with you. You are part of my rock foundation too! Thank you! It's a bit of ranting and messy but it is all from my heart.
- Miroslava, Restore Sixty Participant
" I feel a new beginning... "
Thank you! I love this space where we have played for the last 10 weeks. Even though this it is the end, I feel a new beginning. I don´t see it clearly yet, but ”there´s no rush”. I´m on day 39 and still healing and defrosting my frozen parts, but I am on my way home to my self. Thank you Jator for the honesty, authenticity and the love. I´ve learned so much from you and hope to learn more from you in the future. I´m so grateful for being introduced to you and your work: Thank you all for the openness, the vulnerability and the courage. Let´s go play with life.
- Camille, Restore Sixty Participant
" I love this exploring approach to life..."
It has been a great experience for me, to anticipate in Restore sixty and explore deeper, what is healthy for me to eat and drink - and at the same time been working with underlying emotional issues..... Jator is a fantastic coach and I love his humble, not judgmental, and exploring approach to life.
- Miro, Restore Sixty Participant
" Able to launch my success moving forward... "
Part of my reasoning for signing up for Restore Sixty has been to embrace the learning, validate my being, and work to progress in implementing changes for my person moving forward. This is to be able to launch my successes moving forward.
Your soothing voice in the mindfulness meditation audio sessions, your vulnerability in leading group sessions and your personal connection, for me, is so appreciated. While I am reviewing my sessions in Restore Sixty, there are moments when I know we have had similar conversations over time, and time and time again. You are consistent in your message and gently remind me to go back to my truth when I need it.
I just wanted to tell you how thankful I am!
- Kathy, Restore Sixty Participant